pytokio Release Process

Branching process

General branching model

What are the principal development and release branches?

  • master contains complete features but is not necessarily bug-free
  • rc contains stable code
  • Version branches (e.g., 0.12) contain code that is on track for release

Where to commit code?

  • All features should land in master once they are complete and pass tests
  • rc should only receive merge or cherry-pick from master, no other branches
  • Version branches should only receive merge or cherry-pick from rc, no other branches

How should commits flow between branches?

  • rc should _never_ be merged back into master
  • Version branches should _never_ be merged into rc
  • Hotfixes that cannot land in master (e.g., because a feature they fix no longer exists) should go directly to the rc branch (if appropriate) and/or version branch.

General versioning guidelines

The authoritative version of pytokio is contained in tokio/ and nowhere else.

  1. The master branch should always be at least one minor number above rc
  2. Both master and rc branches should have versions suffixed with .devX where X is an arbitrary integer
  3. Only version branches (0.11, 0.12) should have versions that end in b1, b2, etc
  4. Only version branches should have release versions (0.11.0)

Generally, the tip of a version branch should be one beta release ahead of what has actually been released so that subsequent patches automatically have a version reflecting a higher number than the last release.

Feature freezing

This is done by

  1. Merge master into rc
  2. In master, update version in tokio/ from 0.N.0.devX to 0.(N+1).0.dev1
  3. Commit to master

Cutting a first beta release

  1. Create a branch from rc called 0.N
  2. In that branch, update the version from 0.N.0.devX to 0.N.0b1
  3. Commit to 0.N
  4. Tag/release v0.N.0b1 from GitHub’s UI from the 0.N branch
  5. Update the version in 0.N from 0.N.0b1 to 0.N.0b2 to prepare for a hypothetical next release
  6. Commit to 0.N

Applying fixes to a beta release

  1. Merge changes into master if the fix still applies there. Commit changes to rc if the fix still applies there, or commit to the version branch otherwise.
  2. Cherry-pick the changes into downstream branches (rc if committed to master, version branch from rc)

Cutting a second beta release

  1. Tag the version (git tag v0.N.0-beta2) on the 0.N branch
  2. git push --tags to send the new tag up to GitHub
  3. Make sure the tag passes all tests in Travis
  4. Build the source tarball using the release process described in the Releasing pytokio section
  5. Release v0.N.0-beta2 from GitHub’s UI and upload the tarball from the previous step
  6. Update the version in 0.N from 0.N.0b2 to 0.N.0b3 (or b4, etc) to prepare for a hypothetical next release
  7. Commit to 0.N

Releasing pytokio

Ensure that the tokio.__version__ (in tokio/ is correctly set in the version branch from which you would like to cut a release.

Then edit and set RELEASE = True.

Build the source distribution:

python sdist

The resulting build should be in the dist/ subdirectory.

It is recommended that you do this all from within a minimal Docker environment for cleanliness.

Testing on Docker

pytokio now includes a dockerfile which will can be used to build and test pytokio in a clean environment.

To test pytokio directly from GitHub, you can:

docker build -t pytokio_test

Or if you have the repository checked out locally,:

docker build -t pytokio_test .

Once the image is built, simply:

docker run -it pytokio_test

to execute the full test suite.

Packaging pytokio

Create $HOME/.pypirc with permissions 0600x and contents:

username = <username>
password = <password>

Then do a standard sdist build:

python sdist

and upload it to pypi:

twine upload -r testpypi dist/pytokio-0.10.1b2.tar.gz

and ensure that testpypi is defined in .pypirc:

repository =
username = <username>
password = <password>