Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env pthon
"""Common routines used to apply site-specific info to connectors

import os
import glob
import datetime

[docs]def enumerate_dated_files(start, end, template, lookup_key=None, match_first=True, timedelta=datetime.timedelta(days=1), use_glob=False): """Locate existing time-indexed files between a start and end time. Given a start time, end time, and template data structure that describes a pattern by which the files of interest are indexed, locate all existing files that fall between the start and end time. The template argument (`template`) are paths that are passed through `datetime.strftime` and then checked for existence for every `timedelta` increment between `start` and `end`, inclusive. `template` may be one of three data structures: - str: search for files matching this template - list of str: search for files matching each template. If ``match_first`` is True, only the first hit per list item per time interval is returned; otherwise, every file matching every template in the entire list is returned. - dict: use ``lookup_key`` to determine the element in the dictionary to use as the template. That value is treated as a new ``template`` object and can be of any of these three types. Args: start (datetime.datetime): Begin including files corresponding to this start date, inclusive. end (datetime.datetime): Stop including files with timestamps that follow this end date. Resulting files _will_ include this date. template (str, list, or dict): Template string(s) which should be passed to datetime.strftime to be converted into specific time-delimited files. lookup_key (str or None): When `type(template)` is dict, use this key to identify the key-value to use as template. If None and `template` is a dict, iterate through all values of `template`. match_first (bool): If True, only return the first matching file for each time increment checked. Otherwise, return _all_ matching files. timedelta (datetime.timedelta): Increment to use when iterating between `start` and `end` while looking for matching files. use_glob (bool): Expand file globs in template Returns: list: List of strings, each describing a path to an existing HDF5 file that should contain data relevant to the requested start and end dates. """ if end < start: raise IndexError("datetime_end < datetime_start") check_paths = _expand_check_paths(template, lookup_key) day = start results = [] while <= results += _match_files(check_paths, day, match_first, use_glob=use_glob) day += timedelta return list(set(results))
[docs]def _expand_check_paths(template, lookup_key): """Generate paths to examine from a variable-type template. `template` may be one of three data structures: - str: search for files matching this exact template - list of str: search for files matching each template listed. - dict: use `lookup_key` to determine the element in the dictionary to use as the template. That value is treated as a new `template` object and can be of any of these three types. Args: template (str, list, or dict): Template string(s) which should be passed to datetime.datetime.strftime to be converted into specific time-delimited files. lookup_key (str or None): When `type(template)` is dict, use this key to identify the key-value to use as template. If None and ``template`` is a dict, iterate through all values of `template`. Returns: list: List of strings, each describing a path to an existing HDF5 file that should contain data relevant to the requested start and end dates. """ check_paths = [] if isinstance(template, dict): if lookup_key is None: check_paths += _expand_check_paths(list(template.values()), lookup_key) else: check_paths += _expand_check_paths(template.get(lookup_key, []), lookup_key) elif isinstance(template, list): for value in template: check_paths += _expand_check_paths(value, lookup_key) else: check_paths += [template] return check_paths
[docs]def _match_files(check_paths, use_time, match_first, use_glob): """Locate file(s) that match a templated file path for a given time Args: check_paths (list of str): List of templates to pass to strftime use_time (datetime.datetime): Time to pass through strftime to generate an actual file path to check for existence. match_first (bool): If True, only return the first matching file for each time increment checked. Otherwise, return _all_ matching files. use_glob (bool): Expand file globs in template Returns: list: List of strings, each describing a path to an existing HDF5 file that should contain data relevant to the requested start and end dates. """ matching = [] for check_path in check_paths: match_path = use_time.strftime(check_path) expanded_match_paths = glob.glob(match_path) if use_glob else [match_path] match = False for expanded_match_path in expanded_match_paths: if os.path.exists(expanded_match_path): matching.append(expanded_match_path) match = True if match_first: break if match and match_first: break return matching